What the Well Read Reed - Finding Hidden Gems With Eight Reviews or Less -
What the Well Read Reed - Finding Hidden Gems With Eight Reviews or Less -
At The Uncovered Author we curate great books, ideas, and stories lost to the algorithm.
This site is the web home for The Uncovered Author Reviews and D.C. Reed (Stories, Blog, Books)
- Fantasy - Lit. Fiction - Philosophy - Sci. Fi - Short Stories -

Our core mission is to discover and deliver great stories and ideas that you probably wouldn’t find on your own. This is not a slight on authors who have broad success and is not a critique of the system as a whole. We are not here to bash successful authors or publishing houses. But to find and share stories that you may have missed.
Our goal is to shed a little light on the stories that get lost in our content deluge and, too, hopefully connect people to authors, stories, and resources they would have otherwise missed.
The books chosen to read for review starts with a simple rule:
A book can have 8 reviews or less.
I start by going on kindle unlimited and searching through hundreds of books looking for ones that catch our eye and fancy.
A) I look for books that have been out at least three months, but preferably over a year.
B) I check the number of reviews during the initial search and before I start reading. I do not punish authors who gain reviews after that point which can lead to a book with more than eight reviews being recommended.
After selecting the book we check good reads and the web at large for reviews to see if it has more than 8 reviews. If it doesn’t then it goes in the queue.
We read. Before starting the book we check number of reviews one more time.*
If we like a book it gets a spoiler free review and video.
This site about sharing stories I find and write and is not about negativity. If a book doesn’t hook me that doesn’t mean it was a bad book, just that it wasn’t for me. I will never bash a book or an author. The process of creating, writing, editing, and publishing is to hard and life is too short for that type of negativity.
I have finished books I do not recommend. I have started plenty and put them down for different reasons. This is why only books I would recommend are added to my good reads account. I never want to imply that if I stop reading a book or don’t review it that it was a bad book.
My good reads account represents books I recommend or books that fall outside of the parameters of the Uncovered Author.
On this site you will find spoiler free book reviews and the books, short stories, and collected works of D.C. Reed.
At last check 4 million books a year, roughly 11,000 a day and about 7,500 kindle books are published. Thats a lot of books. Inside those numbers are thousands of authors looking for a way to shine through the noise. Authors dreaming of a hundred, fifty, or even a handful of people finding their book.
So why 8 reviews or less? Because there are too many great books lost to the algorithms that run our lives. Lost because they don’t have thousands, hundreds, or even ten reviews.
Beyond that I truly believe that a good book is always new. Unlike sports, or the latest gossip if you find a book you love a year, two, or even decades after it was first published it doesn’t diminish the value and joy of that work. Publishing, like everything else has become a game of volume and speed in many respects and hopefully this site can help you find some stories you would have otherwise missed.
D.C. Reed is a father, and independent writer and author based out of Atlanta, Ga. When not writing you can catch me walking with my son, playing music, or enjoying a video or table top game. That is if the Winnipeg Jets aren’t on. Go JETS GO!!!