Suddenly Super

Suddenly Super by Joel Rheinberger is a cozy, easy read, that hits just the right spot. Don’t misunderstand Joel’s take on the superhero genera novel is unique with developed characters and a good story. Out of all the books I have read for the Uncovered Author so far Suddenly Super is an enjoyable cozy story I throughly enjoyed.

Suddenly Super shines by not getting in its own way, not trying to be cute, and not trying to create a surprise turn, or unnecessary deus ex machina. It starts and follows our heroine, Poppy Lou, through her experience of getting powers and becoming a hero (something called an over being in the story).

In this world, those lucky enough to have powers achieve them as a manifestation of their greatest dreams. In Poppy Lou’s case, this manifests itself as her being able to make anything into her grandfather’s prop plan, a power that grows and develops as the book goes on. Cultivating powers in this manner gives rise to some unusual powers, heros, and even gives a cool twist to create a fun villain and interesting story.

Fun twists are where this book shines. It is enjoyable because it is honest and does a good job of balancing what heros want to be vs what they would actually be in our world. He doesn’t shy away from reality and even with a little profanity, it should appeal to a YA audience. From start to finish, I was engrossed in Poppy’s growth, power development, and was interested to see how Suddenly Supper would resolve the story that was comfortable and well directed.

It was engaging, familiar, and comfortable, like your favorite home-cooked meal. It didn’t challenge me like Turning Forward. Suddenly Supper wasn’t dark and gritty like Life Taker, however there is nothing wrong with being a good, enjoyable read that envelopes you in a fun story. So if you are looking for a good summer read or a book to read by a cozy winter fire, give Suddenly Supper a spin.

Joel Rheinberger

Review By: D.C. Reed


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